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CFDI 4.0

As a freelancer, staying updated on fiscal regulations, especially regarding CFDI 4.0, is crucial.

You might wonder Why so?

There are numerous reasons, but to cut to the chase, understanding how to efficiently issue and use the SAT's CFDI benefits you by optimizing your time and resources in managing your freelance business.

Plus, it's useful when issuing fiscal receipts to your clients for the services you provide. Therefore, we delve into what CFDI is, its requirements, and how you can obtain it today.

Everything a Freelancer Needs to Know About CFDI 4.0

What Is CFDI and What Is It For?

CFDI stands for “Digital Tax Receipt by Internet”, a digital document verified by the Tax Administration Service (SAT) that legally backs commercial transactions in Mexico, including purchases and sales of goods and services subject to VAT.

This electronic voucher is mandatory for recording commercial transactions and complying with the country's fiscal provisions. It ensures the legitimacy of each operation and provides legal security, not only to the recipient but also to the issuer. Consequently, it's vital for freelancers for accounting purposes and fulfilling their fiscal obligations.

Facturation 4.0: Key Steps for Correct CFDI Issuance

The SAT's Facturation 4.0 service is free and accessible to everyone. However, if you want to invoice correctly through the SAT, it's essential to ensure you have the necessary requirements for the authenticity of the document, including a valid CSD certificate and e.signature. If these are expired or lost, it's crucial to recover your SAT certificates.

Here's how to issue an invoice through the SAT correctly:

1. Access the SAT portal and click on "Electronic Invoice" in the upper menu.

2. Click on "CFDI version 4.0 billing service" among the options.

3. Log in with your Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC) and password or e.signature.

4. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions.

5. Verify and confirm your fiscal data.

6. Fill out the form with the invoice information, such as payment method, customer data, amounts, invoice use, taxes, among others.

7. Review the invoice and preview it.

8. Click on "Seal" after ensuring everything is correct to generate the invoice in PDF and XML.

9. Download both files and send them to your client.

And that's how you'll correctly issue the invoice.

Requirements for Filling Out a CFDI

Certain conditions set by the SAT are required when filling out a CFDI. 

These include:

  • The RFC code of the issuer and their fiscal regime.

  • Folio number and digital seal of the SAT and the taxpayer.

  • Place and date of issuance.

  • RFC of the receiver.

  • Description of goods or services.

  • Unit value and total amount.

  • Information on the customs document, in case of import goods.

Meeting these requirements is crucial for CFDIs to be fiscally valid. For a complete overview, refer to Article 29 of the Fiscal Code of the Federation.

Requirements for Generating a CFDI

Regarding the guidelines for generating a CFDI, you'll need a current Advanced Electronic Signature (FIEL) and obtain the SAT's Digital Seal Certificates (CDS). Invoicing and certification can be carried out through the application provided by the SAT, although this method might seem somewhat slow and inefficient for freelancers with a high volume of invoicing.

Steps to Obtain Your 2024 Fiscal Situation Certificate in SAT

Firstly, have your e.signature and RFC ready. With these at hand, you can start the process, which we outline below:

1. Enter the SAT portal.

2. Look for the "Other Procedures and Services" option.

3. Select "Generate Your Fiscal Situation Certificate."

4. Go to the end and click the "Execute Online" button.

5. Choose between using the password or e.signature as the authentication method.

6. Provide the required data.

7. Select "Generate Certificate."

8. Finally, print the certificate or save it on your device for later use.

If you do not yet have a password or electronic signature from the SAT, you must schedule an online appointment to process these documents in person.

How to Download Your CFDIs from SAT

Follow these instructions to efficiently obtain your documents and ensure compliance with your fiscal obligations correctly:

1. Enter the SAT's website and go to the "Procedures" section.

2. Select the "Electronic Invoice" option.

3. Click on "Consult, Cancel, and Recover."

4. Enter your RFC and your password or FIEL (Advanced Electronic Signature).

5. Click on "Consult Received Invoices".

6. Press on "Date of Issue" and enter the RFC of the issuer corresponding to the SAT (SAT970701NN3).

7. Finally, select "Search CFDI".

If you can't find your payments following this process, scan the payment proof, the screen of the query on the SAT portal filtered by the SAT's RFC as indicated in step 6. Then attach and send it to to identify the payment and process the corresponding clarifications.

It's essential to consider all the information presented in this post if you want to issue updated fiscal vouchers according to Mexican law. Remember, this can enhance your credibility and professionalism with your clients.

Moreover, if you're looking to streamline your invoice payments, DolarApp is a reliable service. With its assistance, managing your payments will be much more straightforward and efficient.

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